Monday, January 28, 2008


Notebook/Hive Records, pencil
Smoker most beginner kits come with the 4 x 7" model; the 4 x 10" is a better bet (I suppose that because we're new at this, it's better not to run out of smoke...) the Better Bee Advanced Pro Smoker, is $4 extra and has some insulation/anti-burn implementations
Hive Tool look for the 10" model, and consider getting 2!
Capping Scraper this was listed as an 'uncapping fork'; Bill prefers wood, there are a few other options
Frame Spacer allows you to correctly space each brood chamber and super to hold only 9 frames, which should keep the weight of your hive down and the thickness of your comb up - making it easier to scrape. You only need one of these...
Bee Wire, Zinc Metal Eyelets, & Punch all for assembling wooden frames
Nailing board, nails, hammer
Glue wood glue or gorilla glue
Bee Brush good to have, but less is more or you'll anger your bees

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